September 30, 2005

Where have we been?

Well this week was a wild ride. Sunday night Sadie's cold began to progress into her typical bad reaction. Difficult breathing, lethargic and totally not her self. When she was going to bed I could hear the beginning of a wheeze coming on and by two am she was throwing up because it was so hard for her to breath. I did not realize this was the reason until later. So I nursed her through the night hoping to see some sort of improvement but by the next morning she was only worse. So I made an appt for the doc first thing and after a breathing treatment with little improvement we were sent off the ER for more thorough treatment. Three nebulizer treatments, an iv for steroid, and one chest xray later, Sadie was coming back to herself again. About three Monday afternoon we were home again and I knew Sadie was feeling better because she was saying "No!" again. Thank goodness.

So we have had to continue with treatments every few hours everyday this week and she is just acting like she has a regular cold again. The doctor was happy to see her happy and babbling one hundred miles a minute today at her follow up. Of course we all have received a bit of the virus as well, with Emma really showing signs last night and today. The doctor said she looked good, that I could call her this weekend and we were ready for anything will all the pharmaceuticals we have accumulated over the week. So the diganosis for Sadie's condition is "reactive airways". She does not have asthma but has similar symptoms from certain stimulous, i.e. the cold virus. We have been dealing with this since after her first birthday and have not really had any sort of game plan for preventing this. It is incredibly stressful for Sadie and us so we are happy to have some preventive measures to use in the future.

In other news, thanks to blogs and the internet I have been back in touch with two of my freshmen year college roommates. It is so great to hear from them and read their own life stories they are publishing into cyberspace. Thanks Alisha for connecting the dots.

Also thanks for all the well wishes for Sadie, everyone!

Still out no pull-ups! I think she had made it thru potty-training. Yippeee! I know, something only a mother could get excited about.

Good news, that all the Heckmans are now fairing reasonably well with the first cold of the season.
I can totally relate to the whole treatment thing! Jordan was diagnosed with Asthma at the age of 2. It's a pain! I feel for you guys. It sounds like she is doing a lot better. Don't you love that albuterol-it would make Jordan SO hyper. lol Take care
Oh my goodness! I'm glad you ALL survived!!! Poor little Sadie!Hopefully it won't get to that horrible point now that you have a bit of prevention!
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